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I had to walk away from the love of my life
Tuesday, 16 February 2021
And it fucking hurt. Still does. But I really feel it was the best thing to do. Walk with me This wasn’t our first go around, it was our second. The first was a few years ago. I ended it back then too and it truly was for the best. Neither of us were where
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Confessions and Corruptions: It’s a Thin Line…
Sunday, 10 January 2021
The ending of my marriage was everything bad about divorce. Police. Custody battles. Family members picking sides. Just a damn mess. I went to my parent’s house and he and our daughter moved in with his sister. It made sense because my daughter’s school was in that area, and we wanted to maintain as much
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Poly a Little Jealous
Friday, 13 November 2020
When I first heard of polyamory, it sounded absolutely incredible, but it also seemed like the relationship archetype that would only exist peacefully inside of a science fiction novel. It was hard to image a relationship with multiple people being enjoyable over a long period of time. I wouldn’t consider myself the jealous type, but
- Published in Dates, Lessons and Advice, Polyamory
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Confessions and Corruptions: One Foot Out The Door
Thursday, 01 October 2020
By February 2010, I had been pregnant more times than I can remember. I was on birth control, but it kept happening. I dont know why. What I DO know is I didn’t want anymore of his children. I wanted a divorce. I stopped fucking my husband months before I came to this realization. I
- Published in Experiences, Marriage
Relationship Goals vs Relationship Growth
Thursday, 01 October 2020
I’m not sure when I had this revelation, but I know when I finally realized it, my outlook on dating completely changed. Let me paint a picture for you… You meet someone and the two of you hit it off. Things are going well and you decide to make things official. The relationship is great
- Published in Dating and Relationships, Experiences, Lessons and Advice
It’s Too Early to be Completely Honest
Thursday, 01 October 2020
Honesty. We all say we want it, but do we really want complete honesty all the time? I honestly doubt it, but that’s a discussion for another day. There is an unspoken truth in the dating world: It’s better to lie or keep certain things private when initially dating someone. I know, that’s a
- Published in Dating and Relationships, Lessons and Advice
Ladies, When He’s Upset, It’s Not About You…
Thursday, 01 October 2020
First, let me start by saying a controversial but true statement… MEN HAVE FEELINGS TOO I know I know, crazy right? I mean any man who shows emotion or let’s people know that something bothered him, should just man the fuck up right? I mean, only pussies and “beta men” let things affect them. Ah
- Published in Dating and Relationships, Exes, Lessons and Advice
The Hypocritical Feminist
Thursday, 01 October 2020
Ah, the hypocritical feminist. This young lady was the front-runner. She (seemingly) ticked off the boxes. She was a bit on the younger side, but I was willing to give her a chance because of all the other qualities that she possessed. She was a very sweet woman, intelligent, surprisingly mature, and absolutely gorgeous. She
- Published in Dates Gone Wrong
How to Know You’re Ready for Marriage
Thursday, 01 October 2020
The pinnacle of relationships. The long sought after… forever. You’re not asking for much? Just… It could be so simple. But it’s not. The truth is, while a great number of us want to be married, I’m going to make the bold claim that most of us aren’t even remotely close to being ready for
- Published in Dating and Relationships, Experiences, Lessons and Advice, Marriage
What’s His F*** boy Score?
Thursday, 01 October 2020
Ladies, are you dating or talking to a guy and you’re not sure if he’s a fuckboy or not? Well, look no further. Go through this list and tally up his score, the answer will become clear. He drives a camaro, mustang, challenger, or charger – 10 He has a credit score less than 650
- Published in Lessons and Advice
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